Palettal Prose: Wild Seed

Some souls are born with seeds of the wild carried in their

pouches, seeking to plant where the pavement cracks, seeking

to split apart the deadness, seeking to bring the wild fruit back,

to feed all hungry souls.

~Renee Hummel, from We’Moon

Wild Seed

Palettal Prose: Soul Retrieval

Her face is darkened by the shadows of your dark blue hood

As she enters, drama with her, center stage, embodied shadow

She is beautiful like you wouldn’t imagine a shadow

Present, not chaotic or scary, real, irresistible

Like the something that left a hole

That you keep trying to fill, and she is filling

You wonder how she could fit in all this light body you’ve created

That still manages to leave you hungry

But you need her, like you need water, or breath

You watch her, captivated, owning the stage

Although she has done nothing

But she disappears, stage becomes empty

You think you’ve imagined her as the lights come on

And the show begins

It is a happy show with feel good vibes

But you feel no truth in the lines so you exit, stage left

You start to walk, alone without knowing where you are going

But wanting to figure it out

Out of habit you head toward the light

She comes from behind the corner and grabs you

Dragging you into a hole in the ground

Dirt and mud marks your dress, bugs are crawling through your hair

She is taking you deeper and deeper towards a nest

Made of everything that grows in the earth

She welcomes you in, pulling off her hood

You know her, and she feeds you, until you are full

From her own hands, filling all the empty parts of your soul

She makes medicine for the wounds you abandoned so long ago

She gently stitches them closed as she beckons frozen tears to fall

And she catches them in your hands

“These don’t belong to you” she says

And she returns your tears to the ocean

And you feel it move in your whole body

Oceanic rhythms rising and falling, rocking you to sleep, sleep child

Rest in your soul, wake in the morning and hunger no more

-Jennifer Lothrigel, 2011

Hooded Mystery Woman

If you’d like to share a short story or poem I’d love to hear from you!